PIN pad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A PIN pad or PIN entry device is an electronic device used in a debit, credit or smart card-based transaction to accept and encrypt the cardholder's personal ...
Encrypting PIN Pad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An Encrypting PIN Pad is an apparatus for encrypting an identifier such as a PIN entered on a keypad. These are used in Automated teller machines to ensure ...
ISO 9564 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 跳到 PIN entry devices - [edit]. The standard specifies some characteristics required (or recommended) of PIN entry devices (also known as PIN pads), i.e. ...
Electronic cash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Currently there are two valid acceptance marks for electronic cash: the electronic cash PIN-Pad and girocard pictograms. The Technical attachment to the ...
Encrypting PIN Pad – Wikipedia Das Encrypting PIN Pad (EPP, „verschlüsselndes Geheimzahl-Tastenfeld“) ist eine Spezialtastatur zur Eingabe der persönlichen Geheimzahl (PIN) an ...
PIN Pad – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre PIN Pad. Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Ir para: navegação, pesquisa ... O Pin Pad Gertec – PPC910 ele é rápido, pois conta com um processador de ...
PIN Pad – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia PIN Pad - urządzenie przeznaczone do sprawdzenia poprawności kodu PIN. Posiada specyficzne zabezpieczenia. Jest to klawiatura, która jednocześnie ma ...